Neil Ellwood Peart born on today’s date September 12, 1952. This a Canadian musician is drummer the rock band Rush. Not to be confused with Neil Peart (born 5 October 1958) is a former Australian rules footballer who played with Collingwood, Richmond and Footscray in the Victorian Football League (VFL) during the 1980s.
Neil Peart as a drummer makes most people’s top 25 List as a Top Drummer. I believe Neil quality of drumming is still evolving and just might move in to the top ten in the next 5 years. Ask just about any rock drummer who their influences are and chances are Rush’s Neil Peart will be high on their list. Burt Rush is not a technically demanding and precise rhythmic style that puts him in the top all time ten.
In addition to Rush, Peart has also found the time to become a writer himself with the books Radiance Over the Rockies and The Masked Rider and some Rush songs. Neil big bicyclist in his spare time sight-see and outings and tours truly enjoys his bike time.
Happy Birthday Neil Peart